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Next meeting of Great Wyrley Parish Council is Wednesday 5th March, 2025, Community Centre, 7pm.

Great Wyrley Cemetery

Great Wyrley Parish Council Cemetery
Great Wyrley Parish Council Cemetery


Great Wyrley Cemetery, Station Street, Cheslyn Hay. WS6 7EG.

Opening times:

The cemetery is open every day of the year at the following times:

1 April to 30 September  8am to 7.00pm

1 October to 31 March     8am to 4.30pm

Anyone who wishes is more than welcome to visit the cemetery, however, we do ask visitors to be quiet and respectful and for children under 14 to be accompanied by an adult.

Burial times:

Burials take place between the following times:

Monday 11.00am to 2.00pm

Tuesday to Thursday 9.00am to 2.00pm

Friday 9.00am to 11:30am

Interment of Ashes take place between the following times:

Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 2.30pm

Friday 9.00am to midday.

Car parking:

Parking at the cemetery is very limited, accordingly  we respectfully request  that visitors please park with consideration to all, especially if a service is taking place


Please note that the cemetery does not have any toilet facilities.

A brief history of Great Wyrley Cemetery.

Great Wyrley Parish Council came into existence in 1894, following the enactment of the Local Government Act of the same year.  One of its very first investments must have been the purchase of land for the purpose of a Cemetery, the land being situated in Station Street in Cheslyn Hay.  The Conveyance for the land is dated Nineteenth of May 1896, and is hand written throughout, and is not noted for its full stops.  The land was purchased for the sum of “four hundred and sixty three pounds five shillings and eight pence”, and was purchased by the Parish Council from “The Great Wyrley Colliery Company” and “Bernard Gilpin of Longford in the Parish of Cannock in the County of Stafford Gentleman.”  The Conveyance was signed by the then Chairman of the Council, Charles Bromwell, Member Thos. Sambrook and Clerk Thomas Garratt.

Headstones and Memorials

A Memorial Mason can help you decide on a suitable memorial and a permit must be obtained from the Parish Council before installation, only the owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial deed can request a mason to submit a permit application.  We are flexible regarding the shape, colour and design of a memorial, However, memorials must not exceed the maximum permitted sizes and it is important that they are installed safely.  Only Memorial Masons who are on the British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) and/or the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) are allowed to work in our cemetery and all memorial work carried out in the cemetery must conform to the current NAMM Code of Working Practice.


The cemetery staff will not remove any flowers or arrangements unless they are blocking access points for visitors.  We request  that trees and flowers are not planted in a grave plot or in any part of the cemetery to ensure that grass cutting and other maintenance can be carried out.


To ensure the privacy and dignity of individuals please do not take images of graves, memorials or funeral services within the cemetery.


Assistance Dogs only are permitted in the cemetery.


Please ensure that all memorabilia and flowers are kept within the grave plot itself and that they do not encroach onto the grass or the adjacent grave plot. The Council does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of any items left in the cemeteries. Breakable items such as glass and pottery or sharp items are not allowed to be left in the Cemetery as these may pose a health and safety risk to visitors, staff and wildlife

Frequently asked questions


Can I book an interment directly with the Parish?

All burials and interment of ashes need to be booked via your chosen Funeral Director.

Who is responsible for the upkeep of a grave plot?

Great Wyrley Parish Council is responsible for cutting the grass and general Cemetery maintenance only. Please note that it may be necessary from time to time to place soil on graves adjacent to those that need to be prepared for an interment. Usually this is only for a short time before the soil is removed and the area  left clear and tidy afterwards.

Can I place a bench in the cemetery?

Quite a few years ago the Parish Council  received a lot of requests to place  memorial benches within the cemetery, which is why today you see some in situ; however with the amount of requests being received and in fairness to all, the Parish Council had to make the decision to no longer accept any new requests.

Whilst this decision still stands today, the Parish Council have recognised that there is a need for additional places where people can sit in peace with their thoughts and are currently in the planning stages of committing to develop areas within the cemetery that will include such places.

Are there any available burial plots at the cemetery?

Unfortunately there are no new burial plots available at the cemetery, however, residents do have the option of Strawberry Lane Cemetery which is managed by South Staffordshire Council and can be contacted via Bereavement Services on 01902 696405, by email:  website: or Cheslyn Hay Cemetery which is managed by Cheslyn Hay Parish Council and can be contacted on 01922 410483, by email:    website:

The Cemetery does have availability for cremated remain plots which are available to residents who lived in Great Wyrley at the time of their passing.  The cemetery is funded by the rate payers of Great Wyrley which is reflected in low cemetery fees for Great Wyrley residents.  Due to the location of the cemetery these plots are also available to Cheslyn Hay residents with an additional fee attached.

Is it possible to be buried in your cemetery if I do not live in Great Wyrley or Cheslyn Hay?

Due to the lack of availability of plots the Parish Council took the reluctant decision back in the early 2000’s to only allow residents of Great Wyrley or Cheslyn Hay to be buried in the Cemetery.  A resident is identified as a person living in the Parish at the time of their passing.  In the instance that the deceased lived in the parish at the time of purchasing the exclusive right of burial, but has since left the area, an additional fee will be applied.  This does not include a resident who left the Parish for health reasons, such as to relocate to a specialised care home.

Discretion is allowed to waive the additional fee if it can be shown that the deceased has substantial history of association with Great Wyrley Parish and was only living outside the Parish for a relatively short  time and/or for medical reasons.   The family will be required to write into the Parish Council requesting revocation of the fee .  If a decision has not been made before interment the full fees would need to be paid.  The decision of Great Wyrley Parish Council will be final.

In the instance that the deceased was not a resident of Great Wyrley at the time of the purchase of  exclusive right of burial or at the time of passing, a non-resident fee will be applied to all charges.

Can family members carry the coffin to the graveside?

The Funeral Director or family is responsible for providing sufficient bearers to carry the coffin from the hearse to the graveside and lower the coffin into the grave. Family members who wish to carry a coffin should ask for advice from their appointed Funeral Director on the safe way to do so.

Do I need to take out insurance cover for a memorial?

We cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by others and with that in mind we recommend that you take out insurance cover for your memorial. Your chosen memorial mason will be able to give you details on this.

What can I do if the soil on the grave sinks?

It may take many months for the ground to settle following a burial and sometimes especially after heavy rain, sinkage may occur. Ground staff periodically check and attend to such graves but if you are concerned please contact the Parish Office on 01922 414768.


Useful information


What to do when someone dies

A number of people and organisations need to be informed when someone dies.

Death Registration To register a death, you first need the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) from a doctor or confirmation from the Coroner that they have issued the documents allowing you to register. You must contact the local Register Office to make an appointment. Deaths should be registered within five days of the death. In South Staffordshire, death registration is dealt with by Staffordshire Registration Service and you can make an appointment by calling them on 0300 111 8001 or by visiting their website

Arranging a Funeral – Most families choose to use a Funeral Director. When choosing a Funeral Director,it is advisable to check that they belong to a trade association such as the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) or the National Society of Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF).  Funerals can be expensive so seek quotes from more than one Funeral Director in order to get a competitive price. ‘Your Funeral Choice’ is a website that can help you to find sensibly priced Funeral Directors in your area.

Useful contacts

Information on what you need to do after someone dies.

Bereavement Advice Centre

An extensive range of information on all matters relating to death and bereavement. Tel: 0800 634 9494

Cruse Bereavement Care

Offers support following the death of a loved one or friend with trained volunteers. Tel: 0808 808 1677

Dying Matters

A national coalition of individuals and organisations which aims to help people to talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement.

Fair Funerals Campaign

Run by the Quaker Social Action Group, the aim of this campaign is to tackle the causes of funeral poverty and can help you to find a fairly priced funeral director in your area. Tel: 020 8983 5059

National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) Tel: 0121 711 1343

Stillbirth And Neonatal Death Charity (SANDS)

Provides support, advice and information to bereaved parents.

The Good Funeral Guide

Offers independent information and funeral advice.

The Natural Death Centre

Offers help, support and guidance when you are planning a funeral. Tel: 01962 712690

UK Funerals Online

The funeral information site for the UK. funeral-directors/westmidlands.html

Your Funeral Choice

Can help you to select the right funeral at the right price for your needs. Tel: 01983 754387