Schedule of Meetings for the Municipal Year 2024/2025
Schedule of Meetings for the Municipal Year 2024/2025
JUNE Wednesday 5th Council 7pm
JULY Wednesday 3rd Council 7pm
JULY Tuesday 30th Audit and Governance Committee 11am **** Rescheduled to Tuesday 6th August ***
SEPTEMBER Wednesday 4th Council 7pm
OCTOBER Wednesday 2nd Council 7pm
OCTOBER Tuesday 22nd Audit and Governanace Committee 11am **Cancelled**
Consideration of Q2 reconciliation to be included at full Council on Wednesday 6th November.
NOVEMBER Wednesday 6th Council 7pm
DECEMBER Wednesday 4th Council 7pm
DECEMBER Tuesday 10th Audit and Governance Committee 11am ***Postponded date to be confirmed***
JANUARY Wednesday 15th Council to Include Budget 7pm
FEBRUARY Wednesday 5th Council 7pm
MARCH Wednesday 5th Council 7pm
APRIL Wednesday 2nd Council 7pm
MAY Wednesday 7th Council 7pm
MAY Wednesday 21st Annual Parish Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Council 7pm
NB It is in accordance with the Standing Orders of Great Wyrley Parish Council for an extra-ordinary meeting of the Council to be called in order to deal with any business to be transacted between the scheduled meetings dates referred to above.